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Carlyn BecciaAuthor Visits
Carlyn Beccia brings a little mummy powder, maggots and an unforgettable experience to each author appearance. She has contributed to the PBS documentary, Secrets of Henry VIII's Palace and spoken at the Computer Electronics Show (CES), Boston Children's Book Festival, several SCBWI events, and schools across the country.

School Visits
As an illustrator, author, and historian, Beccia speaks about the writing process, her research (find out how to correctly apply leeches) and then gives a demo on digital painting for the computer savvy kid. Each of Beccia's presentation are geared to the appropriate grade level and the academic focus of the school. Presentations for schools are 45 minutes each but can be shorter for younger children. Beccia is comfortable with auditorium style presentations and also smaller groups.

School Visit:
Cost: $1000 for the day | $500 for a half day or 2 presentations.

Library Visit:
Cost: $250

Digital Painting Seminars and Documentaries:
Please contact for cost

Request an author visit at your school>>

Download Teaching Curriculum
The Raucous Royals
Who Put the B in the Ballyhoo
I Feel Better with a Frog in my Throat (Coming soon)
Fashion Rebels: Style Icons who changed the World through Fashion


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