
Welcome to my site. That’s me to the left, dressed like Anne Boleyn in a damask gown trimmed with cloth of gold. I am smiling even though my stays are cutting off my circulation. If that sounds like gibberish, then I probably will not run into you at a Renaissance Fair. That's ok. Perhaps our paths will cross elsewhere... Learn more

My interview on channel 13 PBS is live... Learn about the science behind your favorite monsters. See the Interview
Author Apperances

That's me again with my daughter holding up a decapitated hand. I have a son too but he is kind of shy and still has not forgiven me for making him sit next to a skeleton in my car for 6 months. (What I will do for book tours!) Now, I need to do author visits to pay for thier future therapy bills. But don't worry. My author appearances are not all dismembered body parts. learn more
From the Blog
They Lost Their Hair
In these famous remains of the bog bodies, the hair cascades in wild tuffs. There's a personality that comes through in the hair. Was this person a rock star or just a busy author who never brushed her hair? What we do know is that this person was probably not a redhead. Learn more
Latest Book Reviews
Frequent black-and-white spot art and snarky footnote asides add comedy to this already high-interest blend of history and science. Entertaining and fascinating, with a clever incorporation of STEM topics.
Keep in Touch...
I love to hear from adoring fans (all three of you). Send me an email and we can chat about the merits of leeches vs. maggots over some fresh linguini. If carbs are not your thing, then here are more reasons to reach out..